How to update mobile number of IPPB account online?

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If you are looking for a way to update the mobile number of your IPPB account online, then this article will be proven good for you. Through this article, we will help you so that you will be able to change your mobile number without visiting the bank.

India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) is a government-operated financial institution, established in 2018. It was launched to provide basic banking services to the unbanked and underbanked population in the country. The IPPB operates under the Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications, and offers services such as savings accounts, current accounts, money transfers, and other financial products.

Also read: How to obtain India Post Payment Bank virtual debit card?

Benefits of linking a mobile number to a bank account?

Linking a mobile number to a bank account is important for various reasons, primarily centred around enhancing security, facilitating efficient communication, and ensuring seamless access to financial services.

  • Firstly, mobile number verification also called two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security, where users receive OTPs on their registered mobile numbers. This helps prevent unauthorized access and protects against fraudulent activities, enhancing the overall security of the account.
  • Secondly, a linked mobile number facilitates effective communication between the bank and the account holder. Banks often send important alerts, notifications, and updates via SMS, such as transaction alerts, account balance information, and security-related messages.
  • Moreover, the mobile number serves as a crucial contact point for the bank in case of emergencies, account verification, or other necessary communications. It streamlines the process of customer verification, making it more efficient for the bank to reach out to users when required.
  • In addition, linking a mobile number to a bank account supports the use of mobile banking services. Users can conveniently access their accounts, check balances, transfer funds, and perform various transactions through mobile banking apps.

In summary, the linkage of a mobile number to a bank account is essential for bolstering security, enabling effective communication, and ensuring seamless access to a range of financial services, ultimately enhancing the overall banking experience for account holders.

How to update mobile number of IPPB account online?

You cannot change the mobile number linked to your IPPB account by yourself by filing any form, IPPB does not provide any such facility. But you can do this sitting at your home, for which you have to fill out a form. Let us see where you will get that form:

  1. Open browser in your phone and search for “India Post Payment Bank” or click on the link.
ippb mobile number update online
  1. On IPPB website, you will see three line button at the top left corner, click on it.
  1. On the menu list go to Service Request → IPPB Customer. It will open a Doorstep Banking Service Request Form.
ippb mobile number update online
  1. Now you have to select the option “Mobile no./Email ID update in account” by checking it, then scroll bit down.
  1. Here you have to insert your and account details including your first name, last name, mobile number, Email ID, Address, Pin code, nearest Post office (from your hometown). After selecting your nearest Post office, it will automatically select you IPPB account branch, division, region, Circle, and State.

Note: If you are unable to select your nearest post office, open the website in desktop mode, and then do the same process. For that click on the “three-dot” button on your browser, and select the “Desktop site” option.

  1. Go down, you will see a empty box of “Any specific request,” there you have to insert “I want to update my IPPB account mobile number online.”
ippb mobile number update online
  1. Check the terms and conditions’s checkbox, check and fill the captcha for verification, and hit the “Submit” button.
  1. Your request of changing the mobile number of your account is now submitted successfully.

After submitting this form, a man from Indian Post Payment Bank will come to your given address, complete the process of changing the number and leave. This is how one can update the linked mobile number to an IPPB account online using the IPPB’s Doorstep Banking Service.

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